Well, I had the opportunity to break my streak tonight; one of my business partners (and classmates) was kind enough to hook me up with two tickets to see Cloverfield on opening night. While it's been out for almost two weeks back in the U.S., we're only now getting it in Ireland (and the U.K.; this is pretty standard practice for most releases), but you'll never hear me complaining about catching a new one on premiere night (after all, 'new' is completely relative with respect to where you are).
On to the film. I'm not really sure how to categorize it. I'm not much for spoilers, and since I can't stand reading others' impressions on a film, I won't subject anyone to my own. However, the experience was truly note-worthy. I don't know if it is because I'm getting in the Japanese mindset myself now, or because Japan was mentioned numerous times at the start, but I was picking up some serious overtones with respect to that country. I have a feeling this will clean up well over there.

Trippiness, y'all. Stomachaches, nausea, confusion, hunger. It was a madhouse. Hahaha.
- G
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